
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Part 2 Of How Much New Yorkers Drink


As a bit of a follow – up to my post from yesterday, "How Much Do New Yorkers Drink?", there is now an article that contradicts (or “refutiates” as ex-Gov. Palin might say) those findings.  Please click the link below for the full article …


New Yorkers more boozy than ever


Here’s sobering news: New Yorkers are imbibing booze in increasingly deadlier doses.

About 1,500 residents die annually as a result of alcohol-related deaths — from car crashes to poisoning to chronic liver disease — according to the city Health Department, which yesterday released its first comprehensive study on drinking.

“Alcohol misuse can also disrupt one’s well-being by jeopardizing work, finances and relationships,” said Dr. Thomas Farley, the city’s health commissioner. “Cutting down or quitting is possible.”

Alcohol also contributes to 1 in 10 hospital cases with emergency room visits, vaulting to almost 74,000 in 2009 from 22,000 in 2003 among New Yorkers aged 21 to 64.


By the numbers

1,537: City adults who suffered alcohol-related deaths in 2008.

100,000: Hospitalizations linked to alcohol in the city each year.

4,000: Alcohol-related emergency department visits by underage New Yorkers in 2009.

47: Percent of adult New Yorkers who say they don't drink.

Source: city health department


Now this information I DO tend to believe!